Childhood inspires!

Childhood inspires!

Paper boats and splashing in puddles, licking the spoon while mummy makes chocolate muffins, eating the cream out of the cookies before they are served, wished bubbles grew on trees, gardening with granddad and spending summer holidays in tree houses and mango grooves. Childhood was all about carelessness and hearty laughter’s, shares and shiny smiles, droopy sleeps and sleepovers to bundled dreams, missing tooth and bruised knees. Holidays meant being out, galloping with friends and discussing insignificant things over a treat of colored ice lollies.

Winning or losing hardly mattered but playing along did. When shadows in the twilight made us laugh. We would roar and jump, fall and cry still, fight but makeover ice cream and balloon deals and laugh till our stomachs ached and saliva overflowed. Mummies would be cooking or working all time and daddies would be driving and toys would be the only ones to understand our tears. Our eyes would gleam and shine at surprises and jumping in bumpy beds is all we would want. When being messy didn’t nauseate us and we could fart and still not be embarrassed about it. Even being ill could not stop us from playing and wandering like nomads and we could sleep, bath as many times in a day and still smell sweaty and sandy. We would dig mingy trenches and make up ghost stories in the backyard, pet a snail or wriggly worm and name him too. Pretend like being mom and dad and love dressing up similarly. And among all this hullaballoos I forgot to add that Studies didn’t mean studies ever!

I can go on describing mesmerized with that emotion called childhood but I guess you got my idea well. Don’t let that child in you die ever.. it’s the best religion to follow!

Published by Daisy

I write whenever ideas crunch and overwhelme me! It's my reaction outpour.

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